Recommendations for segmenting and retargeting your Opensend-identified visitors with Facebook and Google ads.
First, set up Opensend's Facebook integration and/or Google integration.
What Custom Audiences to Create
Now that you have the integration enabled, you can start retargeting the custom audience(s) that are being populated with Opensend-identified visitors.
At a minimum, create an audience for anyone who visits your site, with no additional filters (see Facebook custom audiences / Google custom audiences). We also recommend creating the following secondary custom audiences:
- Anyone who has viewed a product
- Anyone who added to a cart
- Anyone who started a checkout
- Anyone who completed a purchase
To track those events, and to set up connections to each custom audience, see our Comprehensive Integration Guide.
Once your custom audiences are created, work with your Ads team to design campaigns for each.
Keep in mind that each custom audience needs to meet the minimum size threshold - we recommend setting up each of these custom audiences right away, even if you aren't starting a campaign immediately, to populate them....this gives you flexibility in the future to run campaigns against each audience.
Measuring Campaign Performance
For retargeting campaigns, the most important metrics are Results (typcially conversions/purchases) and ROAS (return on ad spend - how much revenue you generated relative to what you spent on ads).
CPC (cost-per-click) is also an important metric to track - each industry has unique benchmarks as to a strong cost-per-click.
CPM (cost-per-1000-impressions) is less important for a retargeting campaign...but this is a good metric to track for a brand awareness campaign to a lookalike audience.
Creating a lookalike audience
In addition to retargeting, you can use these custom audiences to create lookalike audiences in your Facebook or Google Ads account - then you can create brand awareness campaigns targeting people who are similar to (or "look like") your existing website visitors, and is a great way to drive more traffic to your site.