How do I integrate Opensend with a custom webhook?


To integrate Opensend with Custom webhook you will need:

  1. Webhook method
  2. Authorization (If it's required)
  3. Webhook URL

Steps to integrate:

  1. Go to the integrations tab on the Opensend Dashboard
  2. Click Main Connections
  3. Click Add Destination
  4. Select Custom Webhook
  5. Add Name, Description, and Click Next
  6. Select Webhook configuration from these options:
    1. Custom webhook: Follow the steps below to configure your custom webhook
    2. BayEngage template: Follow the steps here to configure your BayEngage webhook
    3. Omnisend template: Follow the steps here to configure your Omnisend webhook
  7. Select the Webhook method (POST)
  8. Add Authorization details (header and key - If those are required) from these options:
    1. Select API Key and add the authorization details
      Note: One header will be generated by default, but you can add as many headers as your webhook requires.

    2. Select Oauth2 and add the authorization details

  9. Under the fields dropdown select any default fields from Opensend and any custom fields, you want to send to Custom Webhook
  10. Add the Custom Webhook URL and press the Send a test request button

  11. In the popup add the email address to send as a test to Custom Webhook and Press Send

  12. You should be able to find the test request sent to your Webhook URL with test email, custom fields, and authorization details in "headers".
    1. With the test request, you can see what data Opensend data is sending and map the data accordingly on your end
  13. Press Done to close the Popup
  14. Click Next

  15. Select the Traffic sources from where you want to receive the data
  16. Click Create Connections
  17. Select the connections and Click Publish
  18. Request Data format:
    1. For DTC: In the case of DTC product, on the bottom, you should be able to see Example request data

    2. For B2B: In the case of B2B product, on the bottom, you should be able to see Example request data and JavaScript example code you can use to post data on your end